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What is the Emotional Freedom Technique ?

Often referred to as E.F.T, Tapping or Psychological acupuncture, The Emotional Freedom Technique was developed by Gary Craig in the early 1990s and works by releasing blockages within the energy system which are the source of emotional intensity and discomfort.

This is a non-invasive treatment involves the use of fingertips rather than needles to tap on the end points of energy meridians that are situated just beneath the surface of the skin.


How E.F.T. Works ?

It works by "tapping" into the body's natural energy system. The ancient Chinese discovered that the body also contains pathways (meridians), like veins, that carry energy around our body. When we experience a negative emotion that energy flow gets disrupted, and is unable to flow as it should. Very much like a blood clot in a vein, the energy gets blocked in this pathway. By tapping on the required  meridian points whilst simultaneously focusing on the problem, we are able to unblock the trapped energy so that it can flow again. Once the energy is flowing again, the negative emotion is released and you will start to feel calm and relaxed.  Typically these results are long lasting. This technique is gentle, rapid and can have startling effects. 

Helps with :-

  • Phobias & Fears

  • Panic Attacks

  • Cravings

  • Weight Loss

  • Pain Relief/Management

Enjoy following and copying Brad Yates Tapping Routine

Where Do I Start ?

The first step is to contact me to set up an appointment. You can discuss the options with me to either target a particular physical or emotional problem, or you can keep it more general and request to address imbalances that are preventing you from achieving total wellness or your true potential. The process is simple and fast, but also effective and long-lasting. You don't need to know much about how the technique works - you just need to be ready and willing to heal.


Note: Whilst EFT has achieved excellent results with physical conditions, the technique should not be seen as a substitute to medical care, and should always be used in conjunction with medical advice. 

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